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Ambix – The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) 63, 3, 244-267. Orchil and Tyrian Purple: Two Centuries of Bedfords from Leeds. (Editors), Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, Israel pp. In “Out of the Blue Exhibition Catalog”, Meiri O, Bloch Y., Kaplan Y. Royal Purple Painted Jar of King Darius the Great. Dyeing with Sea Snails for the Production of Tekhelet and Argaman in Antiquity. (Editors), Archaeological Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Past, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Ch. Archaeological Shades of Purple from Flora and Fauna from the Ancient Near East. Tekhelet: Setting the Ancient Record Straight. Part II Interdisciplinarity of Colour: Dye Analyses and Dyeing Technologies, Chapter 3, 39 – 52. Springer, Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. (Editors), Ancient Textile Production from an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Humanities and Natural Sciences Interwoven for our Understanding of Textiles. In Ulanowska A., Grömer K., Vanden Berghe I., Öhrman M. Monobromoindigo: The Singular Chromatic Biomarker for the Identification of the Malacological Provenance of Archaeological Purple Pigments from Hexaplex Trunculus Species. Woaded Blue: A Colorful Approach to the Dialectic between Written Historical Sources, Experimental Archaeology, Chromatographic Analyses, and Biochemical Research. Chromatographic Characterization of Archaeological Molluskan Colorants via the Di-Mono Index and Ternary Diagram. 1361, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural Colorants from Plants (XXXI International Horticultural Congress: Horticulture for a World in Transition, IHC 2022 Angers, France), 53-66. HPLC analyses of indigo, indirubin, and isatin spontaneously formed in plant leaves, Acta Horticulturae no. (Special Issue in Honor of Mary Virginia Orna, the Recipient of the 2021 Division of the History of Chemistry (HIST) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry.) Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 48, 109-117. Publications from Israel (under the name of “Koren”): (Please Note: The downloadable articles are indicated below in blue.)

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Koren in the area of instrumental chemical analyses of natural archaeological dyes and pigments, especially from ancient Israel: The following is a listing in reverse chronological order of the published articles authored by Prof.

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